The Facts


From Twice Betrayed: Bringing Justice to the U.S. Military’s Sexual Assault Problem by Lindsay Rosenthal and Lawrence Korb:

3,374 cases of sexual assault were reported for disciplinary action. | Command action was considered for 1,714 reported cases. | 35% of actionable cases were referred for court martial. | 238 cases resulted in conviction. (p12)

47 percent [of victims] said they feared retaliation, and another 43 percent were aware of the negative experiences of other victims who did report.” (p11)

The highest assault reporting rates by area in 2012 are Navy Academy Women and Marine Corps Academy Women. (p12)

From The Invisible War (documentaryDirector: Kirby Dick. Performers: Kori Cioca, Jessica Hinves, Robin Lynne Lafayette. Chain Camera Pictures: 2012. Film.)

  • 40% of homeless female veterans reported having been raped while serving in the military.
  • Women who have been raped in the military have a higher PTSD rate than that of men who have been in combat.
  • 1% of men serving in the military have been victims of sexual assault. This is equal to 20,000 men.
  • In units where there is a tolerance for sexual harassment, rates of rape are tripled.
  • 33% of servicewomen who were raped while serving chose not to report
    the rape because the person to report to was a friend of the rapist.
  • 25% of servicewomen who were raped while serving chose not to report
    their rape because the person to report to was the rapist.